Saturday, December 28, 2024

How to Use awk to Perform Arithmetic Operations in Loops

How to Use awk to Perform Arithmetic Operations in Loops


The awk command is a powerful tool in Linux for processing and analyzing text files, which is particularly useful when you need to perform arithmetic operations within loops.

This article will guide you through using awk for arithmetic operations in loops, using simple examples to make the concepts clear.

What is awk?

awk is a scripting language designed for text processing and data extraction, which reads input line by line, splits each line into fields, and allows you to perform operations on those fields. It’s commonly used for tasks like pattern matching, arithmetic calculations, and generating formatted reports.

The basic syntax of awk is:

awk 'BEGIN { initialization } { actions } END { finalization }' file
  • BEGIN: Code block executed before processing the input.
  • actions: Code block executed for each line of the input.
  • END: Code block executed after processing all lines.

Performing Arithmetic Operations in Loops

Let’s explore how to use awk to perform arithmetic operations within loops with the following useful examples to demonstrate key concepts.

Example 1: Calculating the Sum of Numbers

Suppose you have a file named numbers.txt containing the following numbers:


You can calculate the sum of these numbers using awk:

awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print "Total Sum:", sum }' numbers.txt


  • { sum += $1 }: For each line, the value of the first field $1 is added to the variable sum.
  • END { print "Total Sum:", sum }: After processing all lines, the total sum is printed.
Number Sum Calculation
Number Sum Calculation

Example 2: Calculating the Average

To calculate the average of the numbers:

awk '{ sum += $1; count++ } END { print "Average:", sum / count }' numbers.txt


  • count++: Increments the counter for each line.
  • sum / count: Divides the total sum by the count to calculate the average.
Calculate the Average of a Set of Numbers
Calculate the Average of a Set of Numbers

Example 3: Multiplication Table

You can use awk to generate a multiplication table for a given number. For example, to generate a table for 5:

awk 'BEGIN { for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) print "5 x", i, "=", 5 * i }'


  • for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++): A loop that runs from 1 to 10.
  • print "5 x", i, "=", 5 * i: Prints the multiplication table.
Multiplication table with awk
Multiplication table with awk

Example 4: Factorial Calculation

To calculate the factorial of a number (e.g., 5):

awk 'BEGIN { n = 5; factorial = 1; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) factorial *= i; print "Factorial of", n, "is", factorial }'


  • n = 5: The number for which the factorial is calculated.
  • factorial *= i: Multiplies the current value of factorial by i in each iteration.
Factorial Calculation Example
Factorial Calculation Example

Example 5: Summing Even Numbers

To sum only the even numbers from a file:

awk '{ if ($1 % 2 == 0) sum += $1 } END { print "Sum of Even Numbers:", sum }' numbers.txt


  • if ($1 % 2 == 0): Checks if the number is even.
  • sum += $1: Adds the even number to the sum.
Calculate the Sum of Even Numbers
Calculate the Sum of Even Numbers

The awk command is a versatile tool for performing arithmetic operations in loops. By combining loops, conditions, and arithmetic operators, you can handle a wide range of tasks efficiently.

Practice these examples and experiment with your own scripts to unlock the full potential of awk!

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