This tutorial discusses ways to draw a bar graph on Gnulot.
Assume that you have the following data file, from which you want to create a bar graph.
If you want to plot a bar graph in black-and-white patterns, use the following Gnuplot script instead.
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Question: How can I create a bar graph (bar chart) using Gnuplot?
A bar graph is a plot which visualizes data values using
proportional-size bars. Bar charts are useful when you want to compare
multiple items among different categories. As you can imagine, they are
much more effective than a table of numerical data.This tutorial discusses ways to draw a bar graph on Gnulot.
Assume that you have the following data file, from which you want to create a bar graph.
# Dan Sophia Jody Christina January 4 8 3 6 February 10 12 6 12 March 8 10 6 7 April 6 9 5 10The following Gnuplot script generates a bar graph using the above data file.
set terminal png size 800,500 enhanced font "Helvetica,20" set output 'output.png' red = "#FF0000"; green = "#00FF00"; blue = "#0000FF"; skyblue = "#87CEEB"; set yrange [0:20] set style data histogram set style histogram cluster gap 1 set style fill solid set boxwidth 0.9 set xtics format "" set grid ytics set title "A Sample Bar Chart" plot "bar.dat" using 2:xtic(1) title "Dan" linecolor rgb red, \ '' using 3 title "Sophia" linecolor rgb blue, \ '' using 4 title "Jody" linecolor rgb green, \ '' using 5 title "Christina" linecolor rgb skyblue
If you want to plot a bar graph in black-and-white patterns, use the following Gnuplot script instead.
set terminal png size 800,500 enhanced font "Helvetica,20" set output 'output2.png' set yrange [0:20] set style line 2 lc rgb 'black' lt 1 lw 1 set style data histogram set style histogram cluster gap 1 set style fill pattern border -1 set boxwidth 0.9 set xtics format "" set grid ytics set title "A Sample Bar Chart" plot "bar.dat" using 2:xtic(1) title "Dan" ls 2, \ '' using 3 title "Sophia" ls 2, \ '' using 4 title "Jody" ls 2, \ '' using 5 title "Christina" ls 2
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